About the
T3 Experience!

T3 was a spontaneous combustion that happened in a friends living room while dreaming about what a weekend intensive training would look like.

The three pillars of the intensive would be training and activating people in the areas of worship, the prophetic and healing. While we were sharing our hearts about how this might look, the words triple threat training came out as an option of what to name this weekend intensive. From there we came up with the name T3.

Once the name T3 stuck, our extremely creative and talented worship leader Brandon starting having ideas of what this could look like and T3 was born in that two hour meeting. As with any original idea we have changed some things, we have not done weekend intensives, for we sensed the need to do worship nights first to see if there was any interest in what God was giving us. We agreed worship nights could lead to weekends or even traveling to different churches for one day events or various services.

Worship nights for a T3 Experience includes our three pillars:

  • Worship

  • The Prophetic

  • Healing

The Bible says a cord of three strands cannot be broken, so we want to create a place where people can become a triple threat. To us a triple threat is people who know how to worship, who hear and speak the word of God and who receive and give healing of many kinds. We want to resource the church with people who are a triple threat for their churches, adding value to their local congregations.